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http// without ":"

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 4:49 pm
by ^rooker
Actually, this post might fit under "Mysticism", too but has anyone got any ideas about why this is happening:

Enter "http//" (without the ":"!) in FireFox and you'll end up on some strange homepage you'd never expect.

I have NO clue, why... - and this seems to work on other machines than just mine!

....I am scared now (:shock:).....

puzzle solved.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 5:08 pm
by ^rooker
Since things that end up at Microsoft's homepage without a reason scare me to death. Thus I had to find out why a simple type like "http//" instead of "http://" would open up - and this in FireFox :!:

Well, the riddle could be solved:

1) If you enter some non-url in firefox's address field, it'll try to look it up on google, BUT with the "I feel lucky" option - so you'll receive the first entry, and you won't see that there was google in between.

2) FireFox uses "" by default (not any localized version like .fr, .de, etc...)

3) When entering "http//" in google(.com), the slashes are removed and you end up with the search result for "http"

4) "http" brings up Microsoft's homepage as the first result in google(.com).

Proof: ... gle+Search

voila. another conspiracy theory de-mystified! :idea: