The new google news website sucks !

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The new google news website sucks !

Post by Cokai »

Well I'm a newborn on that forum, but this category got me instantly, "bitching" :)

Of course there are reason why you could / should avoid using google, but one thing was really cool about it. Simplicity !
Since a few month, they started with that black menue at the top of the search-page (including a script for pulldown menue) and since one or two weeks the redesigned the news portal. I hate the new one. Before it was simple and WITHOUT scripts ! Now at first i felt lost on that page and the more anoying thing are the scripts. If you move your mouse over any headline, there pops up a google+-icon. why ?
Well google+ or not google+ but why has it to be a scripted thing. Instead, they simply could have made it with Tags. Thats not all of the rubbish they implemented. Google news, for me, is turning into a blinky blinky website.
What was wrong with the old style ?
Why not simply in two coloums like before ?
But not only that google+ thing anoys me. Now you can click through image galleries - a script - and the new "Editorial recommendations" on the right side - a script. Why ?
Perhaps it is only me, but i love simple websites, with clear structure and without scripts. A website can look cool, even without scripts. And thinking about barrier-free-webdesign ..... that could not be their serious opinion about that.

What do you think, are there related minds out there ?
If not, I'm feeling better now, sayin' it to the world :)

Kind regards,
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Re: The new google news website sucks !

Post by ^rooker »

Yeah, I was also kind of surprised that for some google-image searches, I suddenly had to allow JavaScript for - ouch.
Another issue that concerns me regarding their "fluffyness" of the all-new-and-scripted interface is, how much traffic is being produced in the background in order to pre-load whatever preview information is shown on the search result page...

btw: The relieving feeling when letting it by posting it here is exactly, why the "Bitching" thread exists. It clears the throat and saves the day! :idea:
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