Non equal distribution of wealth...

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Non equal distribution of wealth...

Post by darknesscalls »

I am just unbelievably pissed that people don't get paid for what they are good at, only what is considered "a higher occupation". You know why a lot of religious individuals are ignorant and selfish, because they don't get paid! I guarantee you if religious and philosophy majors got 100, 000 dollars a year, there would be more educated people in our society!

You know why hospitals have white walls, don't let them full you! Because all the artists are starving. How boring is a world without artists, if we paid our artists more I guarantee you less people would be sick, but then of course doctors would get less seeeeeeeeee...its a system...

Why is it that I only get paid big bucks if I disect the atom of a molecular fruit fly and then write a long book with a really huge title on it:

"The book of explosive dissection of carniverous fruit flies or the time I left earth and journeyed into space seeking a God but left the planet to seek an alaby but then couldn't find one so I skipped to the left and write and how are you doing? good, nice to meet you anyways read my book o.k."

Anyways, I am tired of people who are extremely gifted feeling worthless or being underpaid just because they are imaginative and can come up with unique and wonderful things instead of just being able to be another cog in the wheel of masochistic and sadistic patriarchial flesh-eaters who devour potential with a ray of cosmic proportions.

-End of rant.
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Post by ^Charon^ »

So basically are you saying it doesn't take talent and skill to be able to do and love science and want to be a doctor?? There are not a lot of people who are able to work extremely hard in university and get into medicine. That is currently my goal and I am working really hard at it. If i went into art and design i would not be working nearly as hard, because if you have talent, art just comes naturally. Being in art instead of science would sure make my life a hell of a lot easier. And to say that artists and designers don't get paid enough? yeah right. if you are worth anything as a designer you can get paid millions, a hellof a lot more than a scientist. But since most of the people who go into art aren't actually any good, but they are in it simply because they cannot get into science or any other faculty, they don't deserve to get paid more or as much as their counterparts who often spend upwards of 10 years getting an education. Don't judge people on whether they choose art or science. There really are people out there who have a passion for science and medicine just like the
people who have a passion for art and it doesn't mean they aren't imaginative or creative. To come up with physics theories for example you have to be incredibly creative. Same goes for emergency room doctors who have to think of a solution in minimal time to save a person's life. I happen to have a passion for both science and art, and while i am a doctor i plan on being a part time designer/artist. I have art pieces displayed in the city gallery, that certainly doesn't make me feel like a worthless artist. If you are 'extremely talented' you would not feel worthless because you would get a lot of attention, plus money offers to do paintings and work for companies etc. I know I feel rewarded with the offers and praise, but maybe it's because i have real talent and not imagined talent. Just because you choose one or the other doesn't make you any less creative or original. keep that in mind. and besides, any smart person would do something with their art instead of sitting around all day and painting... like being an art teacher or art therapist. it isn't fair to the rest of the hard working world to think it's ok to mope around that you get no money because all you do all day is draw. art does have career options.
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keeping myself short

Post by ^rooker »

This discussion sounds REALLY interesting to me, since I've spent quite some time thinking about this inequality-issue.

I'd like to get the focus of this topic slightly away from "science VS art" and more into the direction of "analyzing the current situation as a whole & finding possible solutions". (I doubt this being thoroughly possible, but I think it's worth a try)
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Post by ^rooker »

Noone having anymore opinion on this one?

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