Die Zeit about Windows8: First brave, then forced to shut up
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 5:06 pm
Recently. the German news paper "Die Zeit" published a very interesting article online, warning about Windows 8, titled :
The article started like this:
"Windows 8 is an inacceptible security threat for public agencies and companies, experts of the government are warning"
Microsoft sued them, so they had not only change the headline, but also remove that teaser text:
And starting with the new teaser:
A copy of the original text can be found on multiple places on the Internet, but I'll keep a copy here, too (see below).
Of course, the article (original or new) concentrates on security aspects, but it actually points out a very important issue which affects everyone using closed, proprietary systems.
Not only security, and not only Windows.
The official statement of the government agency "BSI" about this issue can be found online.
It contains true and important statements, such as:
If they would act according to their own conclusions mentioned above, they would have to question proprietary systems at all. Since this cannot happen in that order of magnitude, it simply means:
Vendors may continue business as usual.
translated: "Trusted Computing - Federal government warns about Windows 8"Trusted Computing - Bundesregierung warnt vor Windows 8
The article started like this:
The first sentence says:Windows 8 ist ein inakzeptables Sicherheitsrisiko für Behörden und Firmen, warnen Experten der Regierung. Das sogenannte Trusted Computing sei eine Hintertür für die NSA. Von Patrick Beuth.
Windows 8 darf in deutschen Behörden nicht eingesetzt werden, sagen IT-Experten. | © REUTERS/Lucas Jackson
"Windows 8 is an inacceptible security threat for public agencies and companies, experts of the government are warning"
Microsoft sued them, so they had not only change the headline, but also remove that teaser text:
("Federal agencies see risks in the usage of Windows 8")Bundesbehörden sehen Risiken beim Einsatz von Windows 8
And starting with the new teaser:
("Microsoft wants to use the new Trusted-Computing-Standard in Windows 8. Experts of the federal government have seen this as a security problem for public authorities")Microsoft will bei Windows 8 den neuen Trusted-Computing-Standard nutzen. Experten der Bundesregierung haben darin ein Sicherheitsproblem für Behörden gesehen.
A copy of the original text can be found on multiple places on the Internet, but I'll keep a copy here, too (see below).
Of course, the article (original or new) concentrates on security aspects, but it actually points out a very important issue which affects everyone using closed, proprietary systems.
Not only security, and not only Windows.
The official statement of the government agency "BSI" about this issue can be found online.
It contains true and important statements, such as:
Sorry, I'm too lazy to translate it fully at them moment, but it says something like:Das BSI erachtet die vollständige Kontrolle über die eingesetzte Informationstechnik, die ein bewusstes Opt-In sowie die Möglichkeit eines späteren Opt-Outs beinhaltet, als grundlegende Voraussetzung für eine verantwortungsvolle Nutzung von Hardware und Betriebssystemen. [...]
Generell sollte es IT-Anwendern ermöglicht werden, einen selbstbestimmten und eigenverantwortlichen Umgang mit Informationstechnik zu pflegen. Dazu gehört beipielsweise auch die Möglichkeit, nach eigenem Ermessen alternative Betriebssysteme und Anwendungen einsetzen zu können.
However, it is followed by some text like this:The BSI considers it important, and a basic requirement, to have complete control over your IT-infrastructure in order to use hardware and operating systems reasonably.
Generally, all IT-users must be able to choose and define for themselves how to use IT-infrastructure and equipment. This also applies to be able to choose which operating systems and applications to use.
Which says something like:Damit diese Voraussetzungen auch weiterhin mit Windows und dem Trusted Platform Module erreicht werden können, bleibt das BSI mit der Trusted Computing Group ebenso wie mit den Herstellern von Betriebssystemen und Hardware im Austausch, um für die Anwender sowie auch für den Einsatz in der Bundesverwaltung und in kritischen Infrastrukturen geeignete Lösungen zu finden.
Blah.In order to maintain these prerequisites with Windows and the Trusted Platform Module in the future, the BSI stays in contact with the Trusted Computing Group and the vendors of operating systems and hardware, to find solutions for users as well as the usage within the federal agencies and critical infrastructures.
If they would act according to their own conclusions mentioned above, they would have to question proprietary systems at all. Since this cannot happen in that order of magnitude, it simply means:
Vendors may continue business as usual.