1) Backup your current Cacti MySQL database:
Code: Select all
$ mysqldump -l --add-drop-table cacti > mysql.cacti
2) Backup your current Cacti installation:
Code: Select all
$ sudo tar -cjvf cacti-backup.tar.bz2 /usr/share/cacti
Go to the Cacti Download page and copy the "Linux/Unix in tar.gz format" link.
Then you can use "wget" to download it on your server. For example:
Code: Select all
$ wget http://www.cacti.net/downloads/cacti-0.8.8a.tar.gz
4) Rearrange the Cacti folders to match Debian's layout:
Adjust the version number to fit your setup, and run the following commands inside your home directory.
Code: Select all
cd cacti-0.8.8a
mkdir -p ~/cacti/site
mv * cacti/site
mv cacti/site/cli cacti/
mv cacti/site/resource cacti/
5) Point the database settings to "/etc/cacti/debian.php":cacti/cli
Compare the old (Debianized) and current "cact/site/include/config.php". You will find that the debianized version points at /etc/cacti, like this:
Code: Select all
/* make sure these values refect your actual database/host/user/password */
$database_type = "mysql";
6) Replace the old installation with the new one:
Code: Select all
sudo mv /usr/share/cacti ~/cacti-BACKUP
sudo mv ~/cacti /usr/share/cacti
You should then be presented with upgrading/installation steps of your new Cacti version.