Most of them are even contradictive, as they apply to a mixed set of Debian versions, and different conditions.
Blablabla... I'm just a bit annoyed by the fact, that I couldn't figure out how to netboot the Debian installer, but fetch the files from an NFS-mounted Squeeze 6.0.3 ISO file. hmpf.
However, here are a few informations, I've figured out during the process:
*) ISO files mounted on the TFTP server, show up empty over NFS
I've mounted my Ubuntu .iso files, according to Falco Timme's Multiboot PXE HowTo. I've also configured NFS to share the folder with the mounted ISOs.
I've tripple-checked: The ISOs were mounted fine and accessible, but when accessing it over NFS, the mount point folder was empty.
Thanks to a forum message from the user thorbjørn on, I've added "crossmnt" as option to my /etc/exports entry for the ISO mountpoint share:
Here's what worked for me:
Code: Select all
/var/lib/tftpboot/iso-images/ *(ro,sync,no_wdelay,insecure_locks,no_root_squash,insecure,no_subtree_check,crossmnt)