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Use Miro to view Youtube-Playlists like podcast

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 6:13 pm
by ^rooker
If you're using "Miro" as viewer for online video sources, you might be interested in getting Miro to play YouTube playlists like a channel.

Thanks to the article "Everything You Need To Know About YouTube RSS Feeds" on "", you can get a Youtube playlist as RSS feed.

For example, if you wanted to add the "Julian Assange Show" as Podcast in Miro, you first get its playlist URL on youtube, which looks like this:
The playlist's ID is "PL19A6F6A10DCFB253"
Now just add this ID to the Youtube RSS's generator URL, to look like this:
In Miro, choose from the Menu: "File > Download from URL" and copy/paste the RSS link.

You should see a new podcast entry appear with the name of the Youtube playlist :)