Compiling Shotdetect from github on Debian 7
Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:00 am
Recent threads about compiling shotdetect were either based on the old v1.0.86 tarball or Giulio Paci's Debian package source.
Johan's original shotdetect repo was forked by Peter B. to include some fixes and new features.
Maybe they'll get merged back to the main repository, but until now, I'll show you how to compile his version:
1) Clone git repository:
On Shotdetect's GitHub page you find the URL for cloning on the right hand side.
Something like this:
Copy it to your clipboard.
Now, clone it into some folder in your home directory:
2) Install build-dependencies:
I currently don't have the exact list of which packages are minimum requirement, but I've found a list of required packages for building v1.0.86 on Debian 6.
Install the following packages:
These are additional requirements for the new cmake version of shotdetect:
3) Build and compile the sourcecode:
Change to the shotdetect git directory.
This builds and compiles the commandline version:
You should now have the shotdetect binary in "build/shotdetect-cmd".
4) Install it as a package:
Currently, the Debian package source for shotdetect is not compatible for using it with the current git head version.
Therefore I'll use "checkinstall", which does a pretty good job
You may edit the description for the package, by modifying the file called "description-pak", which contains this by default:
If everything went fine, shotdetect v2.0.0 should be installed in "/usr/local" now.
NOTE: You might have to update your scripts using shotdetect, because the commandline binary was renamed to "shotdetect-cmd", and the default "shotdetect" points to the GUI version.
Johan's original shotdetect repo was forked by Peter B. to include some fixes and new features.
Maybe they'll get merged back to the main repository, but until now, I'll show you how to compile his version:
1) Clone git repository:
On Shotdetect's GitHub page you find the URL for cloning on the right hand side.
Something like this:
Copy it to your clipboard.
Now, clone it into some folder in your home directory:
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$ mkdir -p ~/install/shotdetect
$ git clone ~/install/shotdetect/shotdetect-git
I currently don't have the exact list of which packages are minimum requirement, but I've found a list of required packages for building v1.0.86 on Debian 6.
Install the following packages:
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$ apt-get install build-essential checkinstall libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libgd2-noxpm libgd2-noxpm-dev
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$ apt-get install cmake clang libavdevice-dev
Change to the shotdetect git directory.
This builds and compiles the commandline version:
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$ ./ cmd
4) Install it as a package:
Currently, the Debian package source for shotdetect is not compatible for using it with the current git head version.
Therefore I'll use "checkinstall", which does a pretty good job
You may edit the description for the package, by modifying the file called "description-pak", which contains this by default:
Now run checkinstall on the "make install" command:'Shotdetect' detects scene cuts within a movie.
The result produced is a simple XML file containing informations about the analyzed video/audio material, such as:
- Quantity of movement
- RGB color values
- HSV color values
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$ cd build && sudo checkinstall -D --install --pkgname=shotdetect --pkgversion=1:2.0.0-git --provides=shotdetect --pkglicense=GPL --nodoc
NOTE: You might have to update your scripts using shotdetect, because the commandline binary was renamed to "shotdetect-cmd", and the default "shotdetect" points to the GUI version.