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HowTo resolve Windows client hostname by IP without DNS/WINS

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 3:10 pm
by peter_b
This HowTo describes how you can resolve hostnames of Windows by IP, but without having a DNS or WINS server to query.

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$ nmblookup -A [HOST_IP]
This returns something like this:

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Looking up status of
        PHONOSRV-TEST   <00> -         B <ACTIVE>
        PHONOTHEK       <00> - <GROUP> B <ACTIVE>
        PHONOSRV-TEST   <03> -         B <ACTIVE>
        PHONOSRV-TEST   <20> -         B <ACTIVE>
        PHONOTHEK       <1e> - <GROUP> B <ACTIVE>

        MAC Address = 00-0C-29-60-71-61
If you would like to get a list of all computers that currently exist in a subnet, you can combine that with using "nmap":

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$ sudo nmap -n -sn | grep "scan report" | cut -d ' ' -f 5
This will have nmap scan for all computers in the network. The "24" equals a netmask of "".
It returns a list of IPs of hosts that are currently turned on and connected to that subnet.

Using BASH-Foo, you can use the following command to scan and resolve in one step:

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$ for IP in $(sudo nmap -n -sn | grep "scan report" | cut -d ' ' -f 5); do nmblookup -A $IP; done