[What is this about?]
Due to my playing-around with bluetooth, I was eager to mount our mobile phones so I could access the files smoothly, so here I will describe my approach.
I don't know if I currently have the patience to write down everything nicely so that it will be a step-by-step instruction.
[Which tools?]
I've tried several things:
- p3nfs
- btfs
- sdptool add ftp
- obexftpd
- obexftp
...and read about even more:
- gnokii
- mscxx
- gammu
- ...
It seems that there's currently not "the one" way to access the phone's memory, especially since not all mobiles can be handled completely by one application.
(e.g.: gsmlib's having problems with Nokia, while working fine with Siemens)
Additionally, most of the HowTo's or information I found focused on using bluetooth with Gnome or KDE.
[Shell only]
I want to run this bluetooth stuff as automatized as possible, so graphical user interface is absolutely NO option.
Finally, I've dared to download extremely experimental beta versions of obexftp (10.8-9) in order to be able to compile the even more experimental obexfs (0.5).
With this combination (based on the most recent "fuse" libraries), I was able to mount both, Siemens and Nokia, and read-write happily.
ObexFS - Mounting a mobile phone's directory
Mounting it.
obexfs -b 00:00:00:00:00:00 -B 3 /mnt/dummy
where "00:00...00:00" is the BT-deviceID and "-B 3" defines the OBEX file transfer channel (check with "sdptool browse")
where "00:00...00:00" is the BT-deviceID and "-B 3" defines the OBEX file transfer channel (check with "sdptool browse")