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Install DVD::Rip on Kubuntu 6.06

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 4:47 pm
by ^rooker
Unfortunately, Ubuntu Dapper Drake (6.06) comes with a quite old version of dvd::rip: 0.52 - but the current version is 0.98.2)

In order to satisfy dvd::rip's dependencies, download the older package - and "checkinstall" in order to create a package from the makefile later on:

Code: Select all

apt-get install dvdrip checkinstall
# now we remove the "dvdrip" package itself as it will collide with our self-made version later on.
apt-get remove dvdrip
# Now unzip and change into the dvdrip source directory:

Code: Select all

tar -xzf dvdrip-0.98.2.tar.gz
cd dvdrip-0.98.2

perl Makefile.PL
This will produce some errors:
The following modules are required for dvd::rip but not found on your
system. They're shipped with dvd::rip for your convenience and will be
installed automatically when you run 'make install':

AnyEvent Event::ExecFlow Event::RPC Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory

You can ignore the 'prerequisite not found' warnings beyond for them.

If you don't like this and want to install these modules manually
just set SKIP_UNPACK_REQUIRED_MODULES before executing Makefile.PL,
e.g. this way:


Warning: prerequisite AnyEvent 1.02 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Event::ExecFlow 0.62 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Event::RPC 0.89 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Gtk2 1.121 not found. We have 1.102.
Warning: prerequisite Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory 0.65 not found.
Writing Makefile for Video::DVDRip
So according to the above information, all we need to get now is Gtk2 1.121, because the other missing packages will be installed anyway.

Note: It seems that the gtk2 warning can be ignored, too - dvd::rip 0.98.2 seems to work with gtk version 1.102.

Now we will install it using "checkinstall":

Code: Select all

sudo checkinstall make install