I had to change the IP of a KVM virtual machine host running Debian 7 (wheezy). I did a "ifdown" and "ifup" of the "br0" interface and didn't expect anymore to do.
I was wrong:
Restarting the KVM host's network breaks the network connectivity for its clients
Maybe because the client was still running. I don't know.
I found others who had the same problem. A thread on ubuntuforums called "8.04 KVM Restarting Networking in Host Breaks Networking In Guests" or a post on serverfault.com titled "KVM guests lose connectivity after networking restart" described my problem - but didn't really contain working solutions.
Rebooting the clients also didn't work.
IDEA: Restart the virtualization services
First, shutdown all client machines. Just to make sure.
Maybe restarting only "libvirtd", but I also restarted the clients:
Code: Select all
$ /etc/init.d/libvirt-guests stop
$/etc/init.d/libvirt-bin stop
Code: Select all
ps aux | grep virt
Code: Select all
$ /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin start
$ /etc/init.d/libvirt-guests start
If everything went fine, your clients should be able to boot happily with their network interfaces being connected again!