Munin on Raspberry Pi: some graphs not working

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Munin on Raspberry Pi: some graphs not working

Post by ^rooker »

I'm just trying to setup monitoring using "Munin" on a Raspberry Pi.
The installation was super easy, and graphs are updated every 5 minutes out of the box.

Unfortunately, some graphs were only generated when munin-node was started, but don't get updated.
In my case, the plugins which seem to have problems are:
  • diskstats
  • munin_stats
I can see that there's something wrong, because the timestamp on these graphs stays frozen at one time in the past, and they don't display any readings :(

Following the "Plugin Debugging" article in the Munin docs, I tried executing the "diskstats" plugin manually (as root):

Code: Select all

$ sudo munin-run diskstats
I get the following error:
diskstats: Could not open statefile '/var/lib/munin-node/plugin-state/nobody/diskstats-' for writing: No such file or directory
It's weird that it mentions user "nobody" and no IP at the end of "diskstats-", but:
It's telling the truth: "/var/lib/munin-node" exists, but is completely empty and belongs to "root:root" (see Debian Bug #679897).

I've changed ownership to "munin:munin" and created the "plugin-state" subfolder:

Code: Select all

$ sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/munin-node/plugin-state
$ sudo chown -R munin:munin /var/lib/munin-node
Now, "munin-run diskstats" runs without error and also created the file: /var/lib/munin-node/plugin-state/nobody/diskstats-
Still, no graphs for diskstats :(

So I tried connecting to munin-node directly and fetch diskstats:

Code: Select all

$ echo fetch diskstats | nc localhost 4949
Bad exit
So I checked the "/var/log/munin-node.log" (again).

Now I get:
2014/03/26-22:52:28 [31601] Error output from diskstats:
2014/03/26-22:52:28 [31601] diskstats: Could not open statefile '/var/lib/munin-node/plugin-state/nobody/diskstats-' for writing: Permission denied
2014/03/26-22:52:28 [31601] Service 'diskstats' exited with status 13/0.
Okay. I've now copied the "diskstats-" file in "/var/lib/munin-node/plugin-state/nobody" to both IPs of my server:
  • /var/lib/munin-node/plugin-state/nobody/diskstats-
  • /var/lib/munin-node/plugin-state/nobody/diskstats-192.168.1.x
and changed their access rights to "666".

Now, running the "fetch diskstats" per "nc" again, returns values! YAY!
The timestamp in the diskstats graphs is now updated like the others :)

Victory is mine!

It currently works, but I'm not 100% sure which of the "nobody/diskstats-*" files are now actually used/valid. Furthermore, I'd like to figure out the correct chown/chmod settings for it.

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Munin on Raspberry: "usb_fiq" isn't numeric in addition

Post by ^rooker »

In the munin-node.log, I found another error which is unrelated to the above problem, but still:
2014/03/26-23:02:41 [851] Error output from irqstats:
2014/03/26-23:02:41 [851] Argument "usb_fiq" isn't numeric in addition (+) at /etc/munin/plugins/irqstats line 95, <$in> line 11.
Seem Raspberry Pi related. There's a pull-request with a fix by user "cgzones" on github:
I also took the liberty of copy/pasting cgzones' changes into a patch file for Munin v2.0.6. It's also been committed upstream in Munin's tracker as ticket #1462.
Jumping out of an airplane is not a basic instinct. Neither is breathing underwater. But put the two together and you're traveling through space!
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