I want to start a GNU Screen session by a script, so I can easily run several programs in parallel in the background.
I'm staring the screen session by name, like this:
Code: Select all
$ screen -dmS "my_session"
$ screen -S "my_session" -X multiuser on
$ screen -S "my_session" -X acladd user1 user2 ...
Then I can configure its settings and even start programs in certain screen windows, just as desired.
Unfortunately, when I disconnect, log out then log back in and try to reconnect using "screen -r", I'm facing a screen password prompt
I didn't set any password - and also the system-password of the user who created the session doesn't work.
When I remove the "multiuser on" option, the password prompt is gone.
But I want multiuser enabled but without any additional password to be entered...
to be continued...