I tried to encode VP6 Flash video files (.flv) with mencoder (Windows build rev 34401), but in order to configure the codec's settings, I called the "vfw2menc.exe" tool, as mentioned in the official mencoder documentation:
Code: Select all
vfw2menc -f VP62 -d vp6vfw.dll -s firstpass.mcf
[SOLUTION]vfw2menc.exe: OpenDriver() failed
By default, the current Windows build of mplayer/mencoder comes with an empty "codec" subdirectory. I've downloaded the codecs from the mplayer website (filename: all-20110131.tar.bz2), and unpacked all files direclty into the codec subfolder.
This works fine for transcoding, but the vfw2menc tool seems not to find the DLLs, so I've changed to the folder where I've extracted mplayer - and also where vfw2menc.exe is located - and added the "codecs\" folder to the commandline:
Code: Select all
vfw2menc -f VP62 -d codecs\vp6vfw.dll -s firstpass.mcf