I've recently used "Docky" when installing GNU/Linux computers for others, in order to provide them with a user-interface which is independent from their window manager.
Now, it looks nice and everything, but I wanted to get rid of the leftmost "Anchor" icon - which is Docky's own icon.
There's no option to hide it in Docky's settings, but in the gconf registry:
- Start the "gconf-editor" (on none-Gnome systems: install the package "gconf-editor" first)
- Go to the entry "apps/docky-2/docky/items/DockyItem" (inside gconf-editor)
- Uncheck "ShowDockyItem"
- Restart Docky
If you now want to edit Docky's properties, without having to re-enable the icon, just right-click on the separator lines between application icons and "Docklets". Then you can choose "settings", which opens the default settings catalogue.