Partition multiple drives: Scripting "parted"
Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:29 pm
On RHEL, there's no sgdisk
At least not in the default repositories.
So I'm using "parted", but most of the documentation found refers to its interactive mode. I'm dealing with 45 drives per chassis, so I need to script it.
Thanks to a blog post by Roderick Tapang, I now know that one can use "--script -- <command>".
Here's how you script "parted" for creating RAID partitions on 3 TB WDC Red disks:
At least not in the default repositories.
So I'm using "parted", but most of the documentation found refers to its interactive mode. I'm dealing with 45 drives per chassis, so I need to script it.
Thanks to a blog post by Roderick Tapang, I now know that one can use "--script -- <command>".
Here's how you script "parted" for creating RAID partitions on 3 TB WDC Red disks:
Code: Select all
echo "Creating SoftRAID using the following devices:"
ls -la $DISKS
if [ -b "$RAID_DEV" ]; then
echo "ERROR: '$RAID_DEV' already exists."
exit 2
for DISK in $DISKS; do
echo "Disk: $DISK"
if [ ! -b "$DISK" ]; then
echo "ERROR: '$DISK' is not a block device."
exit 1
# Create GPT partition table:
parted $DISK --script -- mklabel gpt
# Set units to Sectors (s):
parted $DISK --script -- unit s
# Create one primary partition with 100% size, starting at sector 2048:
parted $DISK --script -- mkpart primary 2048s 100%
# Set the partition type to RAID:
parted $DISK --script -- set 1 raid on
# Wait a bit for kernel partition tables to update:
sleep 10
# Create the RAID:
echo "Creating RAID '$RAID_DEV' with name '$RAID_NAME'..."
CMD="mdadm --create $RAID_DEV --level 5 --raid-devices 4 --spare-devices 1 -N $RAID_NAME $DISKS-part1"
echo "$CMD"
eval "$CMD"