md5sum: strange "FAILED open or read"

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md5sum: strange "FAILED open or read"

Post by peter_b »

I wanted to use "mdsum -c" to verify the MD5 checksum, using a previously generated .md5 textfile.
The contents were one line, formatted as expected:

Code: Select all

39f539c54480480a23d758595847ce9a *audiofile.wav
The .wav file existed, filename was correct, but md5sums threw the following error:
: No such file or directory
: FAILED open or read
md5sum: WARNING: 1 of 1 listed file could not be read
Strange... :shock:

The .md5 file was created by a program running on Windows, and the checksum verification ran on GNU/Linux.
Therefore, the linebreak encoding was different and had to be corrected:

Code: Select all

$ dos2unix audiofile.wav
Now, running "md5sum -c" on the "audiofile.wav.md5" worked as expected.
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