Problems encountered:
*) Kernel panic:
During boot on the LTSP client, it halted right after setting it#s IP using DHCP with the following messages:
Followed by a call trace.modprobe: module overlayfs not found in modules.dep
sed: can't read /proc/meminfo: No such file or directory
/sbin/init-ltsp: 62: /usr/share/ltsp/init-ltsp.d/50-rm-system-services: artithmetic expression: expecting primary: " / 1024"
Well, the overlayfs seems irrelevant (according to a thread LTSP-discuss mailing list), as it is substituted by "aufs" in that case.
The problem causing this is, that "/proc" is not properly mounted during boot.
This is done in "/sbin/init-ltsp", but for some (yet unknown) reason, /proc just doesn't work as it should.
Ugly (really, really ugly) workaround. Should never be used. But might help with debugging:
Create a new file on the LTSP-client's chroot: /usr/share/ltsp/init-ltsp.d/00-proc-hack with the following contents:
Code: Select all
umount /proc
bash -l
Code: Select all
mount -t proc -o nodev,nosuid,noexec proc /proc
Code: Select all
ls -ls /proc
Exit the shell.
The boot process should continue and finish properly.
How happily disguting this hack.