EBUCore XML/RDF notes
Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 4:46 pm
Since I couldn't easily find EBUCore XML schema definitions (.xsd) when searching for them on the web (Google, DuckDuckGo).
In the end, there are download-links inside the EBUCore specification paper PDF (tech3293)...
I'll post some links here to (maybe) help others find stuff quicker:
Folder with EBU metadata schemas in general (not just EBUCore):
EBUCore XSD (XML Schema Definition) directly:
Zipped together with Simple-DC (DublinCore) and general XML.xsd (W3C):
EBUCore RDF/OWL Schema:
https://www.ebu.ch/metadata/ontologies/ ... bucore.rdf
In the end, there are download-links inside the EBUCore specification paper PDF (tech3293)...
I'll post some links here to (maybe) help others find stuff quicker:
Folder with EBU metadata schemas in general (not just EBUCore):
EBUCore XSD (XML Schema Definition) directly:
Zipped together with Simple-DC (DublinCore) and general XML.xsd (W3C):
EBUCore RDF/OWL Schema:
https://www.ebu.ch/metadata/ontologies/ ... bucore.rdf