NFS kernel server: "portmapper is not running"

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NFS kernel server: "portmapper is not running"

Post by ^rooker »

Installing nfs-kernel-server package on Debian 8 (raspbian).
Checking its status using "service nfs-kernel-server status" returns a message containing the following warning:
nfs-kernel-server[28483]: Not starting: portmapper is not running ... (warning).
Thanks to a Wiki page about Raspberry Pi (on, the following steps solved the problem:

Purge rpcbind and nfs-common:

Code: Select all

$  sudo apt-get purge rpcbind nfs-common
$  sudo apt-get install rpcbind nfs-kernel-server nfs-common
Restart the services:

Code: Select all

$ service rpcbind restart
$ service nfs-kernel-server restart
Yay! :D
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