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MODx CMS problems

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:42 pm
by ^rooker
During installation on a 3rd party webserver, I received this error:
Checking if sessions are properly configured: Failed!
running "phpinfo()" on that server gave me a listing with apparently valid session settings:

Code: Select all

Session Support 	enabled
Registered save handlers 	files user

Directive	Local Value	Master Value
session.auto_start	Off	Off
session.bug_compat_42	On	On
session.bug_compat_warn	On	On
session.cache_expire	180	180
session.cache_limiter	nocache	nocache
session.cookie_domain	no value	no value
session.cookie_lifetime	0	0
session.cookie_path	/	/
session.cookie_secure	Off	Off
session.entropy_file	no value	no value
session.entropy_length	0	0
session.gc_divisor	100	100
session.gc_maxlifetime	1440	1440
session.gc_probability	1	1	PHPSESSID	PHPSESSID
session.referer_check	no value	no value
session.save_handler	files	files
session.save_path	/tmp	/tmp
session.serialize_handler	php	php
session.use_cookies	On	On
session.use_only_cookies	Off	Off
session.use_trans_sid	On	On

I went to eat dinner, and when I came back I started the installation by running:


and it worked. I'm sorry that I haven't found a solid solution, but 2 things could have solved this:

1) waiting... and trying again.
2) calling the installation URL differently.

Anyway, this correlates with other informations I found for this problem: ... t1468.html ... 3e5441f83a