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Allied Telesyn: AR-140 Router

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:08 pm
by ^rooker
Somebody gave us an Allied Telesyn AR-140 ISDN/Ethernet router... Great, but: The software (yikes! a win-wizard...) said:
Your PC does not have an Ethernet card.
You need to have an Ethernet adapter card correctly installed
in your PC before you can access an AR100 Serious router.
I propose that this error occurs, because I was using W2k SP4 and the AR-140 was expecting different DLL-versions for wsock32.dll, icmp.dll, ... They even had a copy of winipcfg.exe on their CD.

We simply plugged in the RS232 interface, set the connection settings to:

Code: Select all

bps: 9600
databits: 8
parity: None
stopbits: 1
flowctrl: None 
Using the default login:
Username: Manager
Password: friend
I got a friendly "hello" in form of a simple "Manager > " prompt...

after entering:

Code: Select all

add ip int=eth0 ip= mask=
...I simply opened my beloved FireFox and took a look at the AR-140's web-interface.

I just LOVE the good old serial-port!