Booting Xubuntu 20.04.6, after upgrading packages - the network-icon in the notification panel was gone, I had no network connection(s) anymore - and couldn't start the NetworkManager service.
Code: Select all
$ systemctl status NetworkManager
Also the error:● NetworkManager.service - Network Manager
Loaded: error (Reason: Unit NetworkManager.service failed to load properly: File exists.)
Active: inactive (dead)
Docs: man:NetworkManager(8)
[SOLUTION]"NetworkManager.service: Two services allocated for the same bus name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager, refusing operation."
The "file exists" means that something registered as "a service seemingly identical for systemd".
Weirdly there are 2 very similar services:
- network-manager.service
- NetworkManager.service
There seems to be some kind of naming-collision here, but I didn't have the time to find out (=read more) on what is what.
I guess "networkd" is for headless/CLI and NetworkManager for GUI?
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