Apache: No FancyIndexing with "mod_vhost_alias"

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Apache: No FancyIndexing with "mod_vhost_alias"

Post by ^rooker »

I wanted to use the "mod_vhost_alias" for dynamic mass virtual-hosts, and everything went super-smoothly, except for normal "Alias" directives being ignored for no reason!

Mainly, the feature "FancyIndexing" for directory listings wasn't working anymore, because the "Alias /icons/ htdocs/icons/..." entry in httpd.conf was ignored. :?
Actually, all "Alias" directives seemed to be broken/ignored.

I've found the solution here, and it was simple:
From: Sami Shaaban
Date: Sun, Feb 20 2000 12:00 am
Email: Sami Shaaban <s...@nurelm.com>
Groups: comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix

Ah Ha! For anyone else that might have the same problem:

Make sure that the "AddModule" directive for mod_vhost_alias comes
before that of mod_alias, and what I complained of will not happen.
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