[Samba] Swat not starting up

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[Samba] Swat not starting up

Post by gilthanaz »

Using "Devil Linux", i tried to set up a small fileserver recently, and ran into the following. After configuring xinetd for swat, you only get an empty page when trying to connect - or no connection at all.

The xinetd.conf (usually /etc/xinetd.conf) has a default block right at the start of the config file. I did not take notice of this until i ran into the wall when trying to get swat to work.

Code: Select all

        instances               = 15
        log_type                = FILE /var/log/servicelog
        log_on_success          = HOST PID
        log_on_failure          = HOST
        only_from               = 
        only_from               = localhost
        disabled                = tftp
Notice the "only_from" lines - and either edit them as you need, or delete them as a whole. The parameters in this part of the config file override the only_from lines of the configured connectors, thus did not allow me to connect to swat, even tho the swat part itself was configured properly:

Code: Select all

service swat
        disable         = no
        port            = 901
        socket_type     = stream
        wait            = no
        only_from       = localhost
        user            = root
        server          = /usr/sbin/swat
        log_on_failure  += USERID
Again, take note of the only_from line in the swat part of the configuration. Both (default and swat) have to allow you to connect, else swat will not work.
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