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Jakarta JMeter / Tipps & Tricks
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:23 pm
by ^rooker
I've written some not-quite-default testplans using Jakarta's JMeter and I found that due to an exteme lack of documentation, things were harder than expected.
In order to save someone else some time, I'll post a few things here that I found out.
Use "__time" and format date without aliases
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:27 pm
by ^rooker
I wanted to have the current day, month and year separatedly. Here's my problem and the solution:
Code: Select all
${__time('yyyy',)} // just returned yyyy
${__time(yyyy,)} // returns 2006
//...but beware of this one:
${__time("yyyy",)} // returns "2006" (including ")
You have to use double quotes instead of single ones.
I spent about an hour on this stupid little problem...
Cookie Manager oddity
Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:24 pm
by ^rooker
1) Delete manually set cookies:
When loading a .jmx which has cookies already set within the CookieManager, the "delete" button is disabled.
Add a new line, then the "delete" button will be enabled again - and then delete as you wish.
2) Manually added cookies are treated very differently than cookies set by the site automatically.
- Currently it is NOT possible to access a cookie variable if it was sent manually.