Krita v1.6 can't handle resolution and always uses 72 dpi

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Krita v1.6 can't handle resolution and always uses 72 dpi

Post by ^rooker »

I've been using Krita for a long time now to convert between colorspaces (RGB/CMYK) for printing. Unfortunately, it seems that Krita in version 1.6 is not able to store a DPI resolution value for the image, so it always defaults to 72 dpi.

So, in order to just add the resolution information to the image, I've just used ImageMagick, like this:

Code: Select all

convert input-cmyk.tiff -density 300 -compress zip output-cmyk.tiff
The important option is "density". I've also added the compression explicitly to avoid problems with the default settings of ImageMagick.
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