The command "CREATE SNAPSHOT myuser.table1 as ...."
gives the error "ORA-01031".
First of all:
Oracle usually shows you "where" the error happened by placing a "*" below the problematic part.
In this case, the position of the "*" will not make sense. It's the "CREATE SNAPSHOT" which is failing.
I haven't verified a solution, yet - but I'm working on it. See posts below!
Oracle: Create Snapshot fails with ORA-01031
this is tricky...
OK, now here's a possible solution:
If you are trying to create snapshots as the Replication-admin (e.g. repadmin) and if the to-be-created snapshots are in the tablespace of some other user (e.g. hans) then make sure that hans has sufficient rights to create stuff in his own tablespace!!
grant alter any snapshot to HANS;
grant alter session to HANS;
grant create any snapshot to HANS;
grant create cluster to HANS;
grant create database link to HANS;
grant create procedure to HANS;
grant create sequence to HANS;
grant create session to HANS;
grant create synonym to HANS;
grant create table to HANS;
grant create trigger to HANS;
grant create type to HANS;
grant create view to HANS;
grant unlimited tablespace to HANS;
If you are trying to create snapshots as the Replication-admin (e.g. repadmin) and if the to-be-created snapshots are in the tablespace of some other user (e.g. hans) then make sure that hans has sufficient rights to create stuff in his own tablespace!!
grant alter any snapshot to HANS;
grant alter session to HANS;
grant create any snapshot to HANS;
grant create cluster to HANS;
grant create database link to HANS;
grant create procedure to HANS;
grant create sequence to HANS;
grant create session to HANS;
grant create synonym to HANS;
grant create table to HANS;
grant create trigger to HANS;
grant create type to HANS;
grant create view to HANS;
grant unlimited tablespace to HANS;