* If you use rsync to sync dirs like
/etc you must specify uid/gid = root. Else you get silent ignores of everything the default rsync user has no access rights to
You should know about security issues when doing that. It's hard to find out your /etc backup never really worked when you want to restore a system (that was in the pre-snapshot-everything-era, but still).
* Authentication and the rat's tail it causes can be avoided by using an IP filter in the rsync configuration (only hosts from x.x.x.x may connnect). This makes things very easy, given you're on static IPs. For this, simply add the line:
or wildcard:
within your [share] block (in the above example, [documents]). In case you have multiple shares that you want to use the same IP restriction(s), move the 'hosts allow' line to the global config section of rsyncd.conf (in the above example, the line would be after the 'lock file' entry, before the [documents] block).
The following would then be obsolete:
Code: Select all
auth users = user
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
Reasons? I prefer filtering by IP if possible and meaningful, because you can't exploit where you can't connect
At least mostly... Also I strongly dislike fidling around with secret files.