After somewhat temporarily giving up on LIRC-over-FTDI, I've now attached a TSOP4838 to a Raspberry Pi (Rev 2 Model B) I still had around.
Running on Raspbian Stretch (9.1).
With LIRC being: v0.9.4c-9 (highest available in Raspbian repos. Latest upstream is v0.10.1)
So far so good:

- lirc_rpi module loads and seems happy with input from GPIO #18.
- mode2 check seems fine.
- Capturing a remote control without problems.

Thanks to LIRC ticket #168 by Bob Ham, I found out that irrecord in that version produces invalid remote control .conf files!

It adds a 2nd column of key-codes (hex) that seems to be rubbish.
I've just removed the 2nd column in my irrecord-recorded remote config:
And now it works!