phpVirtualBox: Can't connect to console (over SSH tunnel)

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phpVirtualBox: Can't connect to console (over SSH tunnel)

Post by ^rooker »

Unable to access the VM client console (Flash in browser) when tunneling the phpVirtualBox webinterface over SSH.
When I click the "connect" button, I get this error after a few seconds:
Disconnect reason: E: TCP: SECURITY_ERROR Error #2048

Seems the reason for this error is, that the virtualbox console binds to localhost only.
According to phpVirtualBox's Issue #43 on Github), adding the following to its config.php should do the trick:

Code: Select all

$vrdeaddress = '';
This causes the console interface to bind to all network interfaces - not just

Unfortunately, I must update phpVirtualBox to a more recent version before I can try this.

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