The pxelinux.cfg/default configuration block shown in the forum entry on UBCD about PXE booting didn't work for me.
At all.
Here's roughly what I did:
1) I already had a PXE server up and running.
If you don't, then checkout some HowTos on doing that.
2) Download a syslinux tarball:
You'll find syslinux downloads on the servers
I've just used "v4.07" (but you might also try the latest one).
3) Copy certain files from syslinux tarball over to your pxe folders:
Code: Select all
tar -xjvf syslinux-4.07.tar.bz2
cp syslinux-4.07/core/pxelinux.0 /var/tftp/
mkdir -p /var/tftp/com32/modules
mkdir -p /var/tftp/com32/menu
cp syslinux-4.07/com32/modules/*.c32 /var/tftp/com32/modules/
cp syslinux-4.07/com32/menu/*.c32 /var/tftp/com32/menu/
Code: Select all
ln -s /var/tftp/com32/menu/menu.c32 /var/tftp
ln -s /var/tftp/com32/modules/config.c32 /var/tftp
5) Mount the UBCD iso-image:cmd.c32, config.c32, linux.c32, menu.c32, vesamenu.c32
I've mounted the UBCD's ISO image in /var/tftp/iso-mounted/UltimateBootCD-ubcd527:
Code: Select all
sudo mount -o loop ubcd527.iso iso-mounted/UltimateBootCD-ubcd527
Code: Select all
LABEL ultimate_boot_cd-527
MENU LABEL Ultimate Boot CD (v5.2.7)
KERNEL menu.c32
APPEND iso-mounted/UltimateBootCD-ubcd527/ubcd/menus/syslinux/main.cfg
Code: Select all
ln -s iso-mounted/UltimateBootCD-ubcd527/ubcd/ /var/tftp/ubcd